
So, did you see the sunrise this morning? :) Thanks for sharing the article - interesting ideas. This resonates a lot: "we disassociate with the natural child-like brilliance of openness, surrender, and trust". On the idea of saying yes and no, it's funny because I've been thinking about that but in a different way. Trying to understand how to give myself grace, or give grace to others. I think saying yes to things that are just for you, or no to other things, is similar to giving grace, and is part of finding self acceptance. This is what I'm writing about at the moment. Looking forward to see where this takes you.

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I did! Well, kind of. I accidentally was facing the wrong way so couldn't actually see the sunrise directly but I'm still counting it as a victory for obvious reasons.

I am desperate to know whether SW managed it too.

Your grace reflections are beautiful. We don't talk so much about grace in the UK but I would like us to. It's a powerful concept.

The yes and no idea is so simple. Just hope I can remember/maintain energy for it...

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Chelsey Flood

Hell yes! Good article - I have been thinking similar things recently. Actually sounds like I am in a similar place thought-wise and intention-wise so I am going to take your email as confirmation I am on the right path and should keep going. Thank you! Just wish I could do the getting up early - I keep trying though haha

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Yippee! You're definitely on the right path.

And I can't do it, historically, either. But I'm going to set an alarm and then talk to my friend to make sure we are actually getting up rather than just going back to sleep which is my M.O.

Do you have a friend you can do this with? Would doing it with us help?

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Chelsey Flood

Yes I will try it in solidarity! Knowing I am not the only one will help. I was also thinking of making a flask of coffee the night before even if it will be more like lukewarm in the morning. At least it should give me a little jolt haha Also, I am going try the ‘yes’ ‘no’ thing. That sounds so helpful as it breaks it up. I need to put a reminder to actually do it though haha

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Do it! Set three alarms. You can write SUNRISE YES as the reminders. And the coffee night before is a great shout. You could also sleep in comfy clothes you can wear out 😁☺️

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Jan 1, 2022Liked by Chelsey Flood

Oh I like that a lot! Also, going to add some “Yes To Myself” Reminders 😉 Now off to move my comfy clothes to the pyjama drawer. That’s a brilliant idea regardless of waking time!

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