I am pleased to hear your give yourself so much credit, and recognition Chelsy. Your inner child is desperate for you to parent her and not others. Core beliefs are do deep rooted without the right input and support patterns get repeated .
The fact you have got this far means you can keep exploring this new territory and do not need to escape into as many self sabotaged behaviours.
I lost a sponsee today as she did not put her programme first. It is a big lesson for me. Lots of people says yes to all the goodies that recovery brings and end up believing they need those more than putting a programme first.
I am devastated as I feel betrayed , but I have really enjoyed being her sponsor for 10 months and many times may have succumbed to sugar and alchohol , except I would not have been able to sponsor her. So she helped me run the film as it were, even if she forgot to do it herself.
Thanks for writing back to me it is important for me to feel my esh is valued.
Glad to hear you sounding many percent better.as the way I cope with you and anyone else who I am interested in and they me is by the boundaries we had in our calls that I set up and you gave then a go.
Thanks for resources in this I know you want to pass on every ounce of your recovery
Hi Krysia, yes I loved those boundaries. I find end times on calls and meet-ups very comforting, it turns out. I still have a lot to learn about boundaries, but I'm 1000% better than I was when I first started trying to sort my life out. Thanks for reading xx
I’m so sick of my Polite Robot ~ Thank you for naming it Chelsey... I tuck myself away & isolate so much, because I’m so pissed off with that namesake, which has become so entrenched in my communications ~ it makes me want to vomit out ALL the fear I’m feeling right now.
Thanks Debbie, and I relate to that. It is horrible feeling trapped inside Polite Robot. But we can learn how to move out from within it together XD xxx
Wow, I'm just rereading this as I prepare to write about neurodiversity and addiction, and I feel like past-me had a much better handle on this than current me! Just goes to show how difficult it is to change... Struggling to believe I actually wrote this. Polite Robot has a hold of me again!
I am pleased to hear your give yourself so much credit, and recognition Chelsy. Your inner child is desperate for you to parent her and not others. Core beliefs are do deep rooted without the right input and support patterns get repeated .
The fact you have got this far means you can keep exploring this new territory and do not need to escape into as many self sabotaged behaviours.
I lost a sponsee today as she did not put her programme first. It is a big lesson for me. Lots of people says yes to all the goodies that recovery brings and end up believing they need those more than putting a programme first.
I am devastated as I feel betrayed , but I have really enjoyed being her sponsor for 10 months and many times may have succumbed to sugar and alchohol , except I would not have been able to sponsor her. So she helped me run the film as it were, even if she forgot to do it herself.
Thanks for writing back to me it is important for me to feel my esh is valued.
Just checking I'm logged in
Hello lovely Emma, you are checked in. I hope you're well <3 xx
Glad to hear you sounding many percent better.as the way I cope with you and anyone else who I am interested in and they me is by the boundaries we had in our calls that I set up and you gave then a go.
Thanks for resources in this I know you want to pass on every ounce of your recovery
Hi Krysia, yes I loved those boundaries. I find end times on calls and meet-ups very comforting, it turns out. I still have a lot to learn about boundaries, but I'm 1000% better than I was when I first started trying to sort my life out. Thanks for reading xx
I’m so sick of my Polite Robot ~ Thank you for naming it Chelsey... I tuck myself away & isolate so much, because I’m so pissed off with that namesake, which has become so entrenched in my communications ~ it makes me want to vomit out ALL the fear I’m feeling right now.
Thank you for teaching me xxx
Thanks Debbie, and I relate to that. It is horrible feeling trapped inside Polite Robot. But we can learn how to move out from within it together XD xxx
Wow, I'm just rereading this as I prepare to write about neurodiversity and addiction, and I feel like past-me had a much better handle on this than current me! Just goes to show how difficult it is to change... Struggling to believe I actually wrote this. Polite Robot has a hold of me again!