Me too with sugar (still in year 1) Rosalie, which takes me to Chelsey's piece. Year 1 but soon year 2. Better than month 1!

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Hey Chelsea. Since I stopped relying on alcohol and other things to take the edge off I think I've replaced that with sugar. Do you feel like you managed to maintain your sobriety without a replacement? Or did your very wholesome hobbies work in that way?

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Sugar was definitely a replacement for a good while. I ate a lot of cake in the first year, whereas when I drank I didn't really 'get' cake. I used to eat two custard slices a day fairly often, cos I just needed something. I just thought I'll deal with it later, one thing at a time, you know? And that was true for me, pretty much.

One thing at a time, I reckon!

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Yeah, I think we can be too hard on ourselves at times for using replacements... at NA everyone smoked and ate many biscuits!

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"...most of us will find something. Trauma or abandonment issues or depression.

After all, we turn to drink for a reason."

It took me 14 years sober to finally acknowledge, and deal with, that which got me drinking the way I did in the first place. I always suspected there was a trauma. By staying in sobriety even when I thought my butt would fall off, I found there was treasure hidden behind the trauma. I hid it from myself for years with drinking, drugging, sexing, eating, working, anything to hide it from myself. Sobriety allowed me--nay, eventually required me--to look right at it and then through it, to discover the wonderful truth about myself that had been hidden and forbidden.

I've never been happier in my life and I feel better than ever before. It's been worth every minute it took to get here.

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This makes me so proud of you and everything you continue to achieve! Bloody hell it’s great knowing you x

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Yes, I am with you, and I'm glad you have found a way of life that works better for you. Gratitude was really useful for me too. I am out of the habit now, but when I occasionally make a list I'm reminded how effective the practice is.

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You’re article is so true “One Day at a time “🌈A few things that have helped me on my journey (1169 days).Gratitude,Spiritual Awareness,Meditation,making Amends,State of mind ,sharing with others,Giving back.As Paul Weller sang “What you give is what you get”🕉

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Chelsey, just had to comment here to let you know that a couple of years ago, I read one of your articles and because of you, I discovered Moderation Management. Thank you for mentioning this wonderful alternative for people like me who didn't realize there was a community that focuses on harm reduction and progress rather than perfection. I think you changed my life.

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Wow, thanks for telling me that Kathryn! It is very meaningful to hear, and is the main reason I wrote these posts!

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Mar 22, 2023
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Thanks Mara! 🥰

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